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In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement, the General Secretary sent a sinc
Release time:2019-04-30

       Members of the Communist Youth League, young friends and comrades:

       One hundred years ago, the May 4th Movement, which shocked China and foreign countries, broke out in China, which is a major event of epoch-making significance in modern and contemporary history of China.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. At this historic moment of special significance, we gather here solemnly to remember the lofty patriotism and revolutionary spirit of the May 4th pioneers, and to sum up the valuable experience of the Party and the people in exploring the road to national rejuvenation. This will carry forward the May 4th Spirit and inspire the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups, especially the young people of China in the new era, to build a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerate the construction of socialist modernization. It is of great significance for the country to strive for the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

       Young friends and comrades!

       The May 4th Movement broke out at the time of national crisis. It was a great patriotic revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism, which took the advanced young intellectuals as the pioneer and the broad masses of the people as the participants. It was a great social revolutionary movement launched by the Chinese people to save the national peril, safeguard national dignity and rally National strength. It was a great thought to spread new ideas, new cultures and new knowledge. The Enlightenment Movement and the New Culture Movement have greatly inspired the aspirations and confidence of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to achieve national rejuvenation.

       The May 4th Movement, with its revolutionary nature of thorough anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism, the progressive nature of pursuing the truth of saving the country and strengthening the country, and the extensive participation of the masses of all ethnic groups and all walks of life, promoted the social progress of China, promoted the spread of Marxism in China, promoted the combination of Marxism and the Chinese Workers'Movement, prepared ideological cadres for the establishment of the Communist Party of China and provided new revolutionary forces. Quantity, revolutionary culture and revolutionary struggle have created conditions on the historical stage, which is the turning point of the old democratic revolution in China towards the new democratic revolution, and has a milestone significance in the historical process of the Chinese nation's pursuit of national independence and development and progress since modern times.

       —— The May 4th Movement raised the great banner of patriotism with the strength of the whole nation. The May 4th Movement nurtured the great May 4th Spirit with patriotism, progress, democracy and science as its main contents. Its core is patriotism. Patriotism is the core of our national spirit and the spiritual bond of the Chinese nation's unity, struggle and self-improvement. During the May 4th Movement, in the face of the survival of the country and the nation, a group of Young Patriots came forward, and the people of the whole country rose up to fight, vowing that "the land can not be ceased and the people can not bow their heads", playing a magnificent and enduring patriotic song.

       History has profoundly shown that patriotism has flowed through the blood of the Chinese nation since ancient times. It can not be removed, broken or extinguished. It is a powerful spiritual driving force for the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to safeguard their national independence and dignity. As long as the great banner of patriotism is held high, the Chinese people and the Chinese nation can burst out in the struggle to transform China and the world. Great Power of History!

       —— The May 4th Movement stimulated the great awakening of the pursuit of truth and progress with the actions of the whole nation. Around the May 4th Movement, a group of advanced intellectuals and revolutionary young people in China spread new ideas and culture in the pursuit of truth, dared to break the shackles of feudal thought, and violently impacted the feudal old ethics, morality, ideology and culture for thousands of years. The May 4th Movement changed the struggle situation of the people, who had only awakened revolutionaries but lacked awakening, and realized the first comprehensive awakening of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation since the Opium War. After the baptism of the May 4th Movement, more and more advanced Chinese elements were gathered under the banner of Marxism. In 1921, the Communist Party of China was officially established, which opened a new page in Chinese history.

       History has profoundly shown that with Marxism, the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the great awakening of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, the trend of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation in pursuit of truth and progress can never be stopped by anyone.

       —— The May 4th Movement nurtured a great tradition of perpetual struggle through the struggle of the whole nation. As early as 80 years ago, Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out that "China's youth movement has a good revolutionary tradition, which is"permanent struggle". Through the May 4th Movement, Chinese youth found their own strength, the Chinese people and the Chinese nation found their own strength. From the practice of struggle, the Chinese people and the Chinese nation know that the development of Chinese society, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the happiness of the Chinese people must be realized by their heroic struggle. No one will bestow us a bright China.

       History has profoundly shown that as long as the Chinese people and the Chinese nation are brave enough to fight and sacrifice for the change of their destiny, our country will surely be able to become rich and powerful, and our nation will certainly be able to achieve great rejuvenation!

The 100 years since the May 4th Movement have witnessed successive struggles and triumphant marches of the Chinese youth generation after generation, and the 100 years since the Chinese youth created the youth of China and the youth nation with their youth self.

       Over the past 100 years, Chinese youth, full of the pure heart of the motherland and the people, have actively devoted themselves to the great cause of revolution, construction and reform led by the Party, fought for the people, devoted themselves to the motherland and struggled for a happy life, and dedicated their best youth to the motherland and the people, composing magnificent songs of youth one after another.

       Practice has fully proved that Chinese youth are young people with lofty ideals and aspirations! Chinese youth are young people with deep feelings of home and country! Chinese youth are the youth with great creativity! 

       Young friends and comrades!

       Today, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, we have opened up the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, formed the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, established the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, developed the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, and pushed socialism with Chinese characteristics into a new era. The Chinese people have unprecedented road self-confidence, theoretical self-confidence, institutional self-confidence and cultural self-confidence. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation shows unprecedented bright prospects!

       The theme of the Chinese youth movement in the new era, the direction of the Chinese youth movement in the new era and the mission of the Chinese youth in the new era are to adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and work with the people to realize the goal of "two hundred years" and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Youth is the most active and vigorous force in the whole social force. The hope of the country is in youth and the future of the nation is in youth. Today, the Chinese youth in the new era are in the best period of the development of the Chinese nation. They are facing not only the rare life opportunities of building a successful career, but also the mission of the era of "Heaven will descend to serve the people of Sri Lanka". In the new era, Chinese youth should continue to carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement so as to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. They should live up to the expectations of the Party, the people, the nation and our great era.

       First, in the new era, Chinese youth should set up lofty ideals. Youth's ideals and beliefs are related to the future of our country. Youth's lofty ideals and firm beliefs are the unshakable driving force of a country and a nation. If young people have lofty aspirations, they will be able to stimulate their potential for progress. Youth will not be like a rudderless boat. It is the so-called "aspiration and sainthood are saints, aspiration and virtue are sages". Youth's life goals will be different and their career choices will be different, but only by integrating their own selves into the motherland's big ego and the people's big ego, synchronizing with the times and sharing destiny with the people, can we better realize the value of life and upgrade the realm of life. Without the needs of the motherland and the interests of the people, any solitary admiration will fall into a narrower and narrower world.

       In the new era, Chinese youth should establish faith in Marx doctrine, belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics, confidence in the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, to the masses of the people, to the new era and new world, so that ideals and beliefs can be sublimated in entrepreneurial struggle, so that youth can shine in innovation and creation.

Second, in the new era, Chinese youth should love the great motherland. Sun Yat-sen said that the greatest thing to be a man is to know how to be patriotic. A person who is not patriotic, or even deceives and betrays his motherland, is disgraced in his own country and in the world, and has no foothold. For every Chinese, patriotism is not only a part, but also a duty, a link between the heart and the feelings. For the young people of China in the new era, loving the motherland is the foundation of their life and success. In contemporary China, the essence of patriotism is to adhere to the high unity of patriotism, patriotism and socialism.

       In the new era, Chinese youth should listen to the Party's words and follow it. They should be concerned about the country and the people, patriotic and patriotic. They should constantly dedicate their motherland and the people. They should embody their patriotic feelings with their sincere devotion and tenacious struggle throughout their lives, so that the great banner of patriotism can always be carried high in their hearts.

       Third, in the new era, Chinese youth should shoulder the responsibility of the times. The times call for responsibility, and national revitalization is the responsibility of youth. Mr. Lu Xun said that young people "are full of vitality. When they meet deep forests, they can make flat land, when they meet wilderness, when they can plant trees, when they meet desert, they can dig wells and springs". In the new journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it is urgent to face the major challenges, resist major risks, overcome major resistance and solve major contradictions. As long as young people are brave enough to shoulder heavy burdens, overcome difficulties and fight risks, socialism with Chinese characteristics will be full of vitality, vitality and hope. Youth should maintain the vigor and courage of the newborn calf, the harder and the more dangerous it is, the more courageous it is to stand up to the tide of the times and strive to be the pioneer of the times. All thoughts and actions that regard exploration and attempt as fearful of the way, all those who take the burden forward as a loss, and all those who "hide in a small building as a whole" to evade responsibility are undesirable, impossible to achieve, and difficult to truly achieve happiness in life.

       In the new era, Chinese youth should cherish this era, shoulder the mission of the times, experience in it, grow up in due diligence, let youth blossom in the vast world of reform and opening up in the new era, let life show brave running heroism in the pursuit of realizing the Chinese dream, and strive to become a socialist builder and successor with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness and labor!

       Fourthly, in the new era, Chinese youth should be brave in fighting. Struggle is the brightest background of youth. "Confident life 200 years, when the water hit 3000 miles." The mission of national rejuvenation depends on struggle, and the sail of life ideal depends on struggle. Without the continuous and arduous struggle of the broad masses of the people, especially generations of young people, there will be no new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and no tomorrow of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. For thousands of years, the Chinese nation has gone through hardships, but none of them can defeat us. In the end, they have promoted the sublimation of our national spirit, will and strength. Today, our living conditions are good, but the spirit of struggle is indispensable, and the good tradition of perpetual struggle of Chinese youth can not be lost at all. In the new journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, there will inevitably be arduous and arduous tasks, difficulties, obstacles and even stormy waves, especially the need for us to carry forward the spirit of arduous struggle. Struggle is not just a loud slogan, but the spirit of doing every little thing well, accomplishing every task and fulfilling every duty. The road of struggle will not be smooth sailing, often full of thorns and frustrations. The strong always rise from setbacks and never lose heart.

       In the new era, Chinese youth should bravely be the pioneers, pioneers and devotees in the forefront of the times. They should not be afraid of facing all difficulties and obstacles, forge ahead in chopping waves, break through thorns, create achievements in overcoming difficulties, and create new miracles with youth and sweat that will make the world stand out.

       Fifthly, in the new era, Chinese youth should have good skills. Youth is a golden period of hard training and talent growth. "Youth wastes nothing, so does white title." In today's era, knowledge updating is accelerating, social division of labor is becoming more and more refined, new technologies, new models and new formats emerge in endlessly. This not only provides a broad stage for young people to display their talents and competitive demeanor, but also puts forward new and higher requirements for young people's ability and quality. Whether it is to achieve their own ideal of life or to shoulder the sacred mission of the times, young people should cherish their youth, do their best to learn and master scientific knowledge, improve their intrinsic quality, and hone their hard skills, so that their thinking horizons, ideas and understanding level can keep up with the development of the times.

       In the new era, Chinese youth should enhance their sense of urgency in learning, such as hunger and thirst, diligent study, study Marxist standpoint and method, grasp scientific and cultural knowledge and professional skills, strive to improve humanistic literacy, increase knowledge and temper character in learning, increase talent and ability in work, serve the people with genuine talent and practical learning, and contribute to the country through innovation and creation. !

       Sixth, in the new era, Chinese youth should cultivate their moral character and conduct. Morality is the foundation of human beings. It is the invariable personality pursuit of the Chinese nation to stop at the ultimate good. We need to build a strong socialist modernization country, not only in material, but also in spirit. Spiritual strength is more lasting, deeper and powerful. Youth should closely combine correct moral cognition, conscious moral cultivation and positive moral practice, constantly cultivate their morality, lay a solid foundation of morality, and go further and more correctly on the road of life. Faced with the complex world changes, we should distinguish right from wrong, adhere to the right path, and follow the trend blindly. Faced with external temptation, we should keep firm and strict rules, create a good life with hard-working hands and honest labor, refuse speculation and ingenuity, and stay away from self-made wisdom. In the face of the good years, we should be grateful to the party and the country, the society and the people. In the struggle, we should feel the warmth and coldness of the world, the people's happiness and sorrow, and the contradictions in reality, so as to find the true meaning of life, the value of life and the direction of career.

       In the new era, Chinese youth should consciously establish and practice the socialist core values, be good at drawing moral nourishment from the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, feel moral style from heroes and models of the times, promote moral cultivation from their own introspection, and consciously resist money worship, hedonism, extreme individualism and historical nihilism. Such erroneous ideas, the pursuit of a higher, more ambitious, more tasteful life, so that clean air, vigor and vitality throughout the society!

       Young friends and comrades!

       Since its establishment, the Communist Party of China has always regarded youth work as an extremely important work of the Party. Generations after generations of Chinese Communists, most of whom joined the Party organizations with faith and pride in their youth, and fought for the Party and the people for life. Young people with lofty ideals and spirit of struggle are always active in the ranks of the Party, which is an important reason why our Party has been full of vitality after a hundred years of storms. The Communist Party of China is committed to the great cause of the Chinese nation. It must always represent the youth, win the youth, rely on the youth, do a good job in youth work with great strength, ensure that the cause of the Party is handed down from generation to generation, and ensure the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.

       To cultivate the younger generation into a socialist builder and successor with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty and labour is a major strategic task concerning the future and destiny of the Party and the country, and a common political responsibility of the whole Party. Party committees and governments at all levels, leading cadres at all levels and the whole society should fully trust young people, care for them enthusiastically, strictly demand them, pay attention to their aspirations, help them develop, support their entrepreneurship, be bosom friends of young people, enthusiasts of youth work and guides of young people.

       We should take the initiative to approach young people, listen to them and be bosom friends of young people. Contemporary youth are active in thought, quick in thinking, novel in concept and wide in interest. They have strong desire to realize life development by exploring unknown vigor, accepting new things quickly, and having strong consciousness of subject and participation. It should be fully affirmed that this youth nature endows youth with vitality, passion, imagination and creativity. At the same time, young people do not have a wide range of experience, easy to understand and understand the world from their own point of view, from the perspective of ideal state, inevitably bring limitations to them. This is the law of youth growth, and we should respect it. Trust is the premise of understanding. We should respect the nature of young people, take care of their characteristics, go to young people regularly, have zero-distance contact with young people, face-to-face exchanges, understand their ideological trends, value orientation, behavioral patterns and lifestyles, listen to their views on social problems and phenomena, and give opinions and suggestions on the work of the Party and the government. Even if we hear sharp or even biased criticism, we should change it or encourage others to become young people's bosom friends who are willing to tell the truth, make sincere friends and tell the truth. Youth should learn from the elders, and the elders should learn from them, learn from each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses, and trust each other and help each other.

       We should genuinely care for the youth, the young people and the enthusiasts who do youth work. Youth are in the initial stage of life. They often encounter difficulties and distress in study, work and life. They need timely help from the society. Contemporary youth have encountered many difficulties that we have never met before. Stress is the driving force of youth growth, and pulling and helping at the critical point of youth growth may be an important fulcrum for young people to overcome pressure and develop into talents. We should pay attention to the thoughts, worries and expectations of young people, help them solve their worries and worries in graduate job hunting, innovation and entrepreneurship, social integration, marriage and dating, elderly support and children's education, and strive to create good development conditions for young people, so that they can feel that love is around them and care is in front of them.

       We should devote ourselves to educating and guiding young people, and be the guide of young people. Young people want to grow up smoothly, just as seedlings need to be carefully nurtured. When they cultivate soil, they need to cultivate soil. When they water, they need to fertilize. When they apply fertilizer, they need to apply medicine. When they prune, they need to prune. We should adhere to the unity of caring, loving and strict requirements, respecting laws and actively leading, and educate and guide young people to correctly understand the world, comprehensively understand the national conditions and grasp the general trend of the times. We should not only understand what young people think, open the vast sky for them to gallop their thoughts, but also actively educate and guide young people, and promote them to step down on the broad stage of great achievements. When young people are confused and confused, and their life choices are at the crossroads, they should be encouraged to be energetic and courageous. When young people make progress in their work, they should be encouraged enthusiastically. When young people encounter difficulties in their career, they should help them regain confidence. When young people make mistakes and do wrong things, they should be pointed out and corrected in time. Want to be impulsive or extreme to educate and guide more, to be tolerant and tolerant, give them more time and space to improve their self-awareness, not too harsh. We should actively encourage young people to work hard at the front line and increase their abilities, let them overcome difficulties and display their talents in important fields and positions, and actively create conditions for the development of young people in which everyone strives to become a person, everyone can become a person and everyone can develop their talents.

Young friends and comrades!

       Since ancient times, heroes have emerged as teenagers. In the long course of history, young heroes of human society emerge in succession, and young heroes of the Chinese nation emerge in succession. When the Communist Manifesto was published, Marx was 30 years old and Engels was 28 years old. Lenin was only 17 when he first participated in the revolutionary movement. Newton and Leibniz found that calculus was 22 and 28 years old, Darwin was 22 when he began to sail around the world, and Einstein was 26 when he proposed special relativity. Jia Yi was less than 30 years old when he wrote "the best political theory of the Western Han Dynasty", while Wang Bo was only over 20 when he wrote the famous book Teng Wang Ge Preface. In the great historical process of our Party leading the people in revolution, construction and reform, more young heroes emerged. Mao Zedong was 28 when the First Congress of the Communist Party of China was convened, Zhou Enlai was 23 when he joined the Communist Party of China, and Deng Xiaoping was 18 when he joined the Youth Communist Party of China in Europe. Yang Jingyu was 35 years old, Zhao Yiman was 31 years old, Jiang Jie was 29 years old, Chen Shuxiang was 29 years old, Qiu Shaoyun was 26 years old, Lei Feng was 22 years old, Huang Jiguang was 21 years old and Liu Hulan was 15 years old. Wang Jicai, 32 years old, was 26 when he first landed on Kaishan Island. The average age of Chang'e team and Shenzhou team of Aerospace News was 33, and the average age of Beidou team was 35. There are countless young heroes like this! We should treat youth's innovation and creation with appreciation and approval, actively support them in their life, praise and applaud the achievements and achievements of youth, make youth a lasting scene for the vigorous development and progress of the Chinese nation, and make young heroes a vigorous force driving the Chinese nation to accelerate its great rejuvenation!

       Young friends and comrades!

       The Communist Youth League is an assistant and reserve force of the Party and an important force in its youth work. In the glorious course of China's youth movement, the Communist Youth League has carried forward the fine tradition of "the Party has a call and the League has an action". It has made positive contributions and played an important role in the various historical periods of revolution, construction and Reform for the Party to win the hearts and minds of young people and gather youth forces. The Party flag refers to the direction of the League flag. The Communist Youth League should unswervingly adhere to the leadership of the Party, strengthen the "four consciousness", "four self-confidence" and "two safeguards". It should unswervingly follow the road of development of socialist groups with Chinese characteristics, constantly maintain and enhance their political, advanced and mass character, persist in taking the cultivation of socialist builders and successors as its fundamental task, and consolidate and expand the ruling youth of the Party. As a political responsibility, the mass base should focus on the center and serve the overall situation as the main line of work, earnestly fulfill the responsibilities of leading and uniting the youth, organizing and mobilizing them, and linking up and serving the youth, constantly innovate working ideas, enhance the cohesion, organizational strength and appeal of the youth, and unite and lead the Chinese youth in the new era to make continuous progress in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese dream. Innovation and ambition.

       It is the common responsibility of the whole society to care for and support young people. All Party and government organs, enterprises and institutions, the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force, people's organizations and social organizations, grass-roots autonomous organizations in urban and rural areas, new economic organizations and new social organizations should be concerned about the growth of young people, support their development, and give them more opportunities to better play their role.

       Young friends and comrades!

       Youth is the future of the country and the world. The Chinese dream is closely linked with the world dream, and the Chinese nation should make greater contributions to human society. In the new era, the Chinese youth should have their own national feelings and human concern, carry forward the four seas and one family spirit advocated by Chinese culture, strive for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and strive to promote the construction of the "one belt and one road" and promote the construction of the community of human destiny.

       Young friends! One generation has a long march of one generation and one generation bears the responsibility. It is a relay race to build a powerful socialist modernization country and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We are determined to achieve a good result for the youth, and we look forward to a better result for the younger generation in the future. I sincerely hope that in the new era, Chinese youth will actively embrace the new era and strive for the new era, so that youth will glow more brilliant in their dedication to the motherland, the people, the nation and humanity.

       In a few days, it will be May 4th Youth Day. Here, on behalf of the Party Central Committee, I would like to extend warm Festival congratulations to the youth of all nationalities throughout the country.

       Source: Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (State Administration College)

Part One:Circular of the State Council on Reproduction and Promotion of the Fifth Group of Reform Pilot Exper Part two:Xi Jinping: Found the Soul and Educate People with the Socialist Thought with Chinese Characteristic
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